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Plant Fuel Nutrients believes the best way to grow your plants is to use scientifically proven, agronomically sound methods.   We started Plant Fuel Nutrients because most companies supplying fertilizer to growers were marketing solely on the basis of colorful labels.


Plant Fuel Nutrients is bringing back the science that seemed to be missing from this industry and putting it back into the hands of growers.  We know plants must get the proper nutrients in the proper amounts, at the right time in order to grow to their maximum potential.  Our products ensure growers will get the maximum yield from each plant.  It is our goal at Plant Fuel Nutrients to make the process as easy as possible for every grower.


With over 20 years of experience in the agricultural industry, providing agronomic consulting to farmers of all sizes; it is our mission to help growers.  We have seen almost every possible scenario imaginable; from poor soil conditions to fertilizers that just do not work.  As a result, we have developed a line of fertilizers that have been extensively tested, in a wide variety of soil conditions and growing mediums.  We have made the application of these fertilizers very simple for the grower.

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